Saturday, June 1, 2013

In Which I Ramble About My Soul

I'll come right up and say it: I'm bad at talking about myself.  Because, whenever I try, I either sound like one of those insecure pretentious kids who hide behind their own verbosity, or I just hurl a series of facts at an unsuspecting victim and drown them in the timid, uninteresting details of my existence.  So here I shall attempt to do neither, and by that effort I shall likely achieve both.

Hello, I'm Nate, And I'm Really Bad At Writing Introduction Posts
Right.  Another one of those tricky introduction posts to write.  Yaaaay.  [I Am Not A Frequent Participator In Sarcasm.  Please Appreciate This Rare Occurrence On Your Way To The Door.  Thank You.]
As you can probably tell, another thing I'm really bad at is humor.  [Apparently My Only Talent Is Making Fun Of Myself.]

The Basics - Life And All That Jazz
I'm a non-denominational Christian.  I don't view my Christian faith as a religion, rather as an infinitely finite journey, one I am still very much just beginning.  I believe every human soul is an Impossibility placed in a Possibility, and at the bottom everything, every muddled scientific fact and every grand Existence, is God.
I'm a 15-year-old, and an immature one at that.  I am homeschooled [Yes, I Am Antisocial.  No, I Am Not Sheltered.  Actually I Am, But I Have A Fortunate Dose Of Cynicism], and have been all my life.  I live in the puny but beautiful state of Rhode Island [I Have Been Abroad So Don't Judge Me On Borderlines, I've Seen A Thing Or Two], but would like to travel all around the world one day gathering deep and life-changing experiences and whatnot.
One of my greatest joys in life is talking to people.  [I Couldn't Get This One Weird Sentence To Fit Anywhere Else, So Yay For Random And Slightly Creepy Interjections.]

The SubBasics - Basically Doctor Who Rules My Life
As far as interests go, British TV holds on the highest slot.  Doctor Who is the paragon of television, in my opinion, with fantastic storytelling and even fastasticer metaphors.  Sherlock is also a source of joy to my heart.  Other interests include literature - Shakespeare is my hero, forsooth -, composing music and being generally nerdy and anti-physical.  [As You Can See I Don't Know The First Thing About Sports.  I Can, However, Tell You Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Hamlet.]   
I am a writer, with all it's ups and downs.  As Markus Zusak says, “...there would be punishment and pain, and there would be happiness, too. That was writing.”  I have completed one 50,000 novel set in Ancient Rome and am currently working on a fantasy novel and a realistic fiction novel about gender roles; as well as getting sidetracked by various short story ideas.  [A Very Brief Glimpse Into My Writing Credentials.  Rejoice!]
My life heavily revoles around music, some of my great inspirations including Sufjan Stevens, Daft Punk, and Owl City. 

My Goal In Life As Told By Emily Dickinson
I Shall Not Live In Vain, by Emily Dickinson
If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one Life the Aching
Or cool one Pain
Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in Vain.

Other Places You May Find Me, Yo
My Regular Blog: (full of Me-Trying-To-Be-Deep) 
My Tumblr: (full of fandoms and Whatever-Else-I-Feel-Like) 
My Twitter: @OwlOfGallifrey (full of Me-Trying-And-Failing-At-160-Character-Messages)
My Pinterest: (full of Whatever-I-Feel-Like-Pinning)

Thank you for reading, if you read any at all, and if you didn't, thank you for existing anyway.  Have a fantastic day, and I hope to see you more as this genius-blog-idea continues!  [I Hope You Also Found Entertainment From These Unnecessarily Capitalized Bracket Statements.]

Have a great weekend and hopefully we will see you on Monday with some brilliantly something-or-others for your enjoyment!


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