Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lilly'sday (Embarrassing Stories)

Disclaimer Before We Get Started-
I would like to say that, in all honestly, i do not remember Ranger’s embarrassing moment in the least. Infact, i don't remember much from that night at all. I remember my birthday, and i remember sitting on the floor and skyping them, all the details however are extremely blurry. I laughed so hard though at his story.

Ok, moving onto my embarrassing story. I spent the past three days searching my memory for an embarrassing story to share. Most of the stories i came up with where to short to turn into a blog post, but there was one that i felt like i might be able to share. I think the first thing you should know for this story is that i am the baby of my family. The youngest, with a sister and a half brother. This story takes place when I was six, and during that time i didnt have the pleasure of having my older half brother around to tease me and provoke me. So my sister must have subconsciously taken that as a challenge. My sister and i would bicker and fight to no end (and still do), and i praise the lord that in the past year we have grown up tons, and now have a relatively good relationship. However, when i was six..... things were different.

On this particular day, my family and I had ventured out to the country to visit my old pastor’s house. I LOVED IT THERE, they had four wheelers and horses, not to mention a huge family of older kids who LOVED to play with me. I remember i was wearing jeans and my red sweater  that had a little black yorkie terrier on it. Anywho, we arrived at there house and i played and had a great time until, my sister decided to play a trick on me. In their house, out friends had a indoor sauna (dont ask i dont even know why) that was in their basement. I never played in their basement. I hated it. I mean, IT WAS A SCARY BASEMENT. So, My sister decided she was going to lock my in the sauna. She grabbed me by the arms, and one of our friend’s sons (who was about my sisters age) grabbed my feet, and they carried me........ into the basement. They put my in the sauna... and locked the door.

Many things were going through my mind, fear, anger, and embarrassment. I stood in that sauna and screamed, cried, and hammered at the door. As a six year old, I felt like i was in there for hours, but in all honesty it could have been 10 minutes, I have no idea. My face was covered in tears, when our friend’s oldest son found me in the sauna crying my eyes out. He unlocked the door, picked me up, and carried me to where our families where. I explained what happened, still teary. Honestly, I never realized until just now, writing this, that there is NOTHING in this story i should be embarrassed about. That being said, that is the only feeling i felt after the fact, more than angry, or afraid, i was ashamed that i had been so helpless, that a 17 year old boy had to come and save me from that scary corner of the basement.

I think there is something to be said for embarrassment. I mean, it does a lot of good, despite being embarrassing. It keeps your pride in check, and it gives you something to relate to other people about. Whereas emotions like, lets say fear, in my opinion have only one purpose. In fears case thats negative, but even some positive feelings dont do you that much good.

Just My Feels.

See Everyone Next Wednesday!  ^.^


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