Friday, June 7, 2013

Oh Snap!

I'll be honest, I'm actually kind of embarrassed I don't have a better embarrassing story.  But apparently, looking back, my life has been a simple montage of minor mishaps - misspoken words, accidental handshakes, dumb misquotations, awkward trips, etc - but nothing as dramatic as, say, a fail cedar [CURSE YOU ELIZABETH AND YOU'RE AMAZING SCOOT TO SUCCESS xP]
However, I think the dug something out of my brain - that still makes me wince - that is somewhat worthy to be posted here among such genius embarrassment.
It was last Christmas Eve, really late at night.  Since I can never sleep at Christmas - anyone who tells me I'm too old for such practices will get bad reps with The Clause - I was chatting with my friend, Hannah.  Since we were both kind of drunk on tiredness we were sending each other weird Christmas anagram poems, which didn't make much sense but hey, they were amusement.  Hannah sent me this really funny one, so, not to be out done, I spent a good hour trying to come up with a really, really awesome one.  Upon finishing it, I thought it quite stupendous.
And, being so thrilled with my poetic creation, I ecstatically sent it off in an email to my friend.
Or so I thought...
[You can probably see where this is going xD]
So, in my contacts, beneath Hannah's email address is my other friend's mom.  Now, let me tell you a little bit about her.  She was the Chair of the Philosophy Department at the University of Rhode Island at this point in time, but she's taught at other universities too.  She's basically helped my sister thrive in life.  She's won national awards for being super smart and brilliant and stuffs and she's basically just like a real life genius who happens to be my friend's mom (so the only reason I actually have her email is because we were making plans one time xD).
So, yeah, I accidentally clicked her email address.

 So, yeah.  Here it is, here's the Christmas anagram poem I actually spent an hour of my life on.  Here's what I sent to the Chair of the Philosophy Department of University of Rhode Island.  I can only imagine her face when she received an email subjected, "HA HA HA THERE YOU GO" from her daughter's friend... which contained this wonderful message:

Cheerful Children Chat.
Hungry hippos have hats.
Restful reindeer ride ravens.
Igloos irk idlers. 
Santa sups soup.
Trees top truffles.
Merry-makers mop mountains.
Aviators avenge antlers.
Santa saves slippers!


I did email her after I realized my mistake though and apologized, and at least she was understanding, so this ending is slightly anticlimactic.  Still, that was the time I sent a brilliant college professor the best of my poetical abilities.    

Not pretty.

Not pretty, at all.

See y'all next Friday and have a fantastic weekend!


P. S. I realize now that that poem is not in fact an anagram, it's an acrostic poem/alliteration.  I apologize for the derp.  Kthxbaii.  xD

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