Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Your Wednesdays Have A New Name (an introduction)

Hey everyone!

It's Wednesday! Which now means *drum roll please* ... IT'S LILLY'SDAY! I think that's what I will call it now. It may come across as a little narcissistic, or self obsessed, or something else bad, BUT since this is the day you will be hearing from me I guess it applies ^.^ 

Who is this "Lilly" you may be asking yourself. Well I guess I should introduce myself! I'm Lilly, I am a Libra, a Whovian, a Land Mermaid, and a Warrior Kitty! I started my personal blog (paper-doll-box) about a year ago, and it has opened up an entire new world for me. It has brought me new friends, and new opportunities (like a chance to co-write on this one). 

Many people on this blog (As you have already seen, Ranger and Elizabeth) very easily express themselves through writing. I guess they are the people blogging is supposed to be full of. But... then there are people like me. People who WANT to be good at writing, but sadly really have no place in the "blogging world".  I guess if I had to say  how I think I best express myself, I think I would say through communication. Sadly, i'm not even very good at that. 

If this stays Just between us, I guess it would be ok for me to share some of my obsessions. 
- Tumblr (thissiteismylifeitisterriblebutiamnotsirry) 
- Flowers ( I love flowers! All flowers! But my favorites are any flowers that are purple, and sunflowers.) 
- Bubble Tea (Just by typing it my mouth is watering. I almost alway order a Mango/Peach bubble tea with double bubbles, but I am trying to branch out) 
- Dresses/Skirts (Self Explanatory, but lets just say, I wore jeans the last day of school, and one of my teachers said "Wow, I don't think I have ever seen you in jeans". Yeah. It's that bad.)
- Scary Movies (I will watch almost any horror movie, it's a little weird.) 
- Old/Toy Cameras (My Collection Is growing fast!) 
-Blue M&Ms and Lemon Gummy Bears (Nomz) 
- Wes Anderson (Anything.) 
-The color Mustard. (Not yellow..... Mustard) 
- HTML and CSS (Teaching my self and its super fun) 

To be Honest, I am not 100% sure what our topics are going to be like, or if my posts will be ANY good. But. I promise to 1. Try my best 2. Post my real opinions and feelings on things 3. Try not to offend you 4. Keep it fresh. 

I love you and I can't wait to go on this adventure! 

My Blog-
My Tumblr

-Lilly <3

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