Sunday, May 26, 2013

Monday Funday is like crashing a Hyundai?

Welcome to Thoughts from people.
All three of you that will see this post. 
Each weekday one of our writers will make a new post, and each week will have its own theme. 

As you can see from the image in the sidebar, I will be handling Mondays here, which is frightening, to say the least, since that is the day in which any creativity that I might have had suddenly disappears.  Also it may or may not set the tone for the posts from the rest of the week. Again. Frightening. 

This week, we're just telling a little bit about ourselves, so there isn't /much/ stress involved, until you know, we actually have to find a theme for next week so we can get started on writing posts for it. 

To start us off, my name is Ranger, and you probably don't know me from my other attempts at becoming an internet personality, which is a good thing. 

A really good thing. 

I'm 15, and I have not really done anything in said 15 years, which takes away from any sense of excitement that you might have had in hearing me speak of the probably (un)anticipated tellings of accomplishments. 

I play the violin, and have done so for the past 13 years, and I do enjoy it, and I think what I enjoy the most about it is the fact that it is something I am relatively good at, so that whenever I fail at something else I can always fall back on it, like a musical security blanket.  
I think I would probably be a much sadder person if I didn't have anything I was good at, since I would see others flourishing at their talents while I sat on tumblr. 

I also like writing and film, because they are very accessible mediums through which to create. 
Yay.     (I am trying to write a novel, but everyone tries to, and few succeed, and I hope I can be someone who succeeds, but I shouldn't be too hopeful about that…I'll just play it by ear, I guess, and write when there is inspiration for it.) 

I think that if there is anything else to find out about me, you will learn it in the following posts that I make, because I think that when people tell about themselves, they usually speak from two extremes, in which they either glorify themselves or put themselves down. 

I have no clue what our next theme will be after this introductory stage, so it could range anywhere from thoughts on the subjective properties of love, to what the best flavour of Starburst candies is and why we like cornbread. 

Go ahead and follow us, and bookmark us as well, because as long as we don't get more burnt out than Lindsay Lohan's spoon, we'll be back week after week.   

Also, if my own rambling self has not run you off, you can find me here: 

My blog where I post my thoughts and ideas:
My YouTube channel:
My old main blog:
My more…carefree tumblr:

Thanks for not dying or something like that.


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