Friday, May 31, 2013

Sorry about the really late post, I had projects I was doing for Honors English and AP Human Geography. I don't know what to post, so I guess I'll just tell you about myself: My name is Zane P. Zotto, I live in TN, I'm a Sophomore at MJHS and I'm on the Wrestling team. I'm teaching myself how to play Guitar, and i can play a total of 4 songs. I play Halo CE/2/3/Reach/4, Dead Space 2, Fallout 3, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and Black Ops 2. I'm a cadet in Civil Air Patrol, and have achieved the rank of Captain. I currently have a girlfriend (her name is Sara), and she is a gamer as well. we also listen to the same music (Rock/Alternative Rock/Metal), we like the same food, and we both hate spiders with a burning passion. My favorite band is Korn, but my favorite song is Radioactive, by Imagine Dragons. My favorite movies include Star Wars, Harry Potter, Prometheus, Dead Space: Downfall, and Warm Bodies. My favorite TV show is Family Guy, but I also like The Office, 30 Rock, Modern Family, and Adventure Time. Well, that's all I got. Once again, sorry about the late post. Nate, you're up. :P

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Your Wednesdays Have A New Name (an introduction)

Hey everyone!

It's Wednesday! Which now means *drum roll please* ... IT'S LILLY'SDAY! I think that's what I will call it now. It may come across as a little narcissistic, or self obsessed, or something else bad, BUT since this is the day you will be hearing from me I guess it applies ^.^ 

Who is this "Lilly" you may be asking yourself. Well I guess I should introduce myself! I'm Lilly, I am a Libra, a Whovian, a Land Mermaid, and a Warrior Kitty! I started my personal blog (paper-doll-box) about a year ago, and it has opened up an entire new world for me. It has brought me new friends, and new opportunities (like a chance to co-write on this one). 

Many people on this blog (As you have already seen, Ranger and Elizabeth) very easily express themselves through writing. I guess they are the people blogging is supposed to be full of. But... then there are people like me. People who WANT to be good at writing, but sadly really have no place in the "blogging world".  I guess if I had to say  how I think I best express myself, I think I would say through communication. Sadly, i'm not even very good at that. 

If this stays Just between us, I guess it would be ok for me to share some of my obsessions. 
- Tumblr (thissiteismylifeitisterriblebutiamnotsirry) 
- Flowers ( I love flowers! All flowers! But my favorites are any flowers that are purple, and sunflowers.) 
- Bubble Tea (Just by typing it my mouth is watering. I almost alway order a Mango/Peach bubble tea with double bubbles, but I am trying to branch out) 
- Dresses/Skirts (Self Explanatory, but lets just say, I wore jeans the last day of school, and one of my teachers said "Wow, I don't think I have ever seen you in jeans". Yeah. It's that bad.)
- Scary Movies (I will watch almost any horror movie, it's a little weird.) 
- Old/Toy Cameras (My Collection Is growing fast!) 
-Blue M&Ms and Lemon Gummy Bears (Nomz) 
- Wes Anderson (Anything.) 
-The color Mustard. (Not yellow..... Mustard) 
- HTML and CSS (Teaching my self and its super fun) 

To be Honest, I am not 100% sure what our topics are going to be like, or if my posts will be ANY good. But. I promise to 1. Try my best 2. Post my real opinions and feelings on things 3. Try not to offend you 4. Keep it fresh. 

I love you and I can't wait to go on this adventure! 

My Blog-
My Tumblr

-Lilly <3

Monday, May 27, 2013


It's my belief that to an extent I am the least qualified person on the planet to write in any detail about myself. Especially as a teenager, caught in that nether-region between the safe familiarity of childhood and the promise and mystery of what is to come. That doesn't help at all with my sense of Identity, this wiggly, slimy little fish that I'm trying to grab with my bare hands, one that I roll my pants up and wade into murky waters attempting to catch time and time again without much success. Besides the simple fact that the way I think of myself is almost certainly not the way you think of and/or will think of me (all three of you readers). But Ranger, the bossy-face he is, said to introduce myself. And I shall do my best.

First and foremost, I'm a Christian. I'm still unsure about a lot of things, but I'm trying to understand more and more about what exactly that means over time. Luckily for me, I have great friends who are wonderfully strong believers and they inspire me to grow in my faith more than any preacher could. Shout-out, yo. 
I guess the main thing about me other than that is that I like to create things. When I write, or I draw, I produce something with my consciousness with which to say “this is who I am,” other than myself in my body trying to talk to you or make a positive impression. These things that I create are more expressive of myself than I am in the flesh, in a sense.  
I can't be happy unless I have a way to pour out this excess existence into something else, and this often involves pencil and paper, whether I'm attempting art or trying to put words down in a semi-coherent way.
The reality of my situation, however, is that the stories I hold inside of me get warped and damaged on their difficult Odyssey from brain to the clickity-click of fingertips on a keyboard. It's like trying to roll a great big paper mache boulder down a mountain without it getting destroyed (or becoming disfigured beyond recognition). But I write to remember these stories, and I write because as guarded as I am sometimes, I really do want other people to see them. Someday I hope to be able to actually untangle this mess of thoughts to show as I have seen in the warm, cozy, and sometimes-lethal darkness of the viewing room in my mind. The projector flickers and sputters, but I crouch in front of it with my pencil and pad, scribbling things down as best I can. 
(...I draw though because I like to look at fanart pictures of my favorite characters. I have only recently taken up this hobby. Not quite so pretentious and brooding. x3 Sorry, writers just get that way. When God was handing out the traits, he knocked over the big Bucket-O'-Angst into our souls. We can't help it. Resistance to its sway is futile.)

Some Random and Mostly Useless Facts:
-The BBC ruined my life.
-I'm a lucky lucky ducky in that I have some fantastic friends, including in cliché homeschool-ness, my brother. Not that I don't love my four others, but we've been the David and Elizabeth Show since we were very little. So that's fun.
-I play piano, and I like to squeeze in learning modern arrangements of songs between Mozart pieces like a little Pilgrim girl sneaking sweets before dinner. Both my strictly-classical teacher and my mom dislike the “franticness” of the style I enjoy. But hey. Beats the dull, clangy plinking I perform for the other Pilgrim children and their parents at recitals.
-I also do tae kwan do and 4-H shooting sports, both of which are activities I admire from a safe distance but are terrifying and difficult once you're actually involved in them. The majority of the energy I devote to these things is fantasizing about being much better at them than I currently am.
-I smell books, and I adore the smooth blackness of ink, and I fell in love with words a long time ago.
-I enjoy anime and the celebration of Japanese culture. I dunno man. Something about it fascinates me. Besides the fact that a lot of anime I see seems extraordinarily frivolous and silly at first, but they open up into these massive hidden caves of stories with all kinds of twists and unexpected depth. The art style is really pleasing to my eyes as well, and it's something I hope to get better at replicating with my own pencil over time.
-I like to climb trees, ride roller coasters, and do anything that takes me to great heights and gives my adrenaline a boost.

I guess I'm just a derp with an internet and too much time to think. That's the way I view myself in a nutshell.
If you theoretically wanted to find me elsewhere, I live at these webbernet locations: (in which I reblog) (in which I blog, or have in the past, as I have been very neglectful of it)

Hope to see you around, metaphorically speaking in that internet sort of way.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Monday Funday is like crashing a Hyundai?

Welcome to Thoughts from people.
All three of you that will see this post. 
Each weekday one of our writers will make a new post, and each week will have its own theme. 

As you can see from the image in the sidebar, I will be handling Mondays here, which is frightening, to say the least, since that is the day in which any creativity that I might have had suddenly disappears.  Also it may or may not set the tone for the posts from the rest of the week. Again. Frightening. 

This week, we're just telling a little bit about ourselves, so there isn't /much/ stress involved, until you know, we actually have to find a theme for next week so we can get started on writing posts for it. 

To start us off, my name is Ranger, and you probably don't know me from my other attempts at becoming an internet personality, which is a good thing. 

A really good thing. 

I'm 15, and I have not really done anything in said 15 years, which takes away from any sense of excitement that you might have had in hearing me speak of the probably (un)anticipated tellings of accomplishments. 

I play the violin, and have done so for the past 13 years, and I do enjoy it, and I think what I enjoy the most about it is the fact that it is something I am relatively good at, so that whenever I fail at something else I can always fall back on it, like a musical security blanket.  
I think I would probably be a much sadder person if I didn't have anything I was good at, since I would see others flourishing at their talents while I sat on tumblr. 

I also like writing and film, because they are very accessible mediums through which to create. 
Yay.     (I am trying to write a novel, but everyone tries to, and few succeed, and I hope I can be someone who succeeds, but I shouldn't be too hopeful about that…I'll just play it by ear, I guess, and write when there is inspiration for it.) 

I think that if there is anything else to find out about me, you will learn it in the following posts that I make, because I think that when people tell about themselves, they usually speak from two extremes, in which they either glorify themselves or put themselves down. 

I have no clue what our next theme will be after this introductory stage, so it could range anywhere from thoughts on the subjective properties of love, to what the best flavour of Starburst candies is and why we like cornbread. 

Go ahead and follow us, and bookmark us as well, because as long as we don't get more burnt out than Lindsay Lohan's spoon, we'll be back week after week.   

Also, if my own rambling self has not run you off, you can find me here: 

My blog where I post my thoughts and ideas:
My YouTube channel:
My old main blog:
My more…carefree tumblr:

Thanks for not dying or something like that.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thoughts from an iPod at a social get together.

I love how when you use the mobile blogger app, it says post content, as if it is insinuating that what you are posting is actually content worth reading. It sort of subconsciously adds pressure. Not sure if I like that, but whatever. My computer is being a rather evil piece of aluminium at the moment, so. I guess I will be using this app quite a bit in the future.

Nate suggested that we do theme weeks. I love the idea. Although, it does mean that we would have to have 5 people willing to crank out a weekly blog post, or even a video to embed, depending on what medium you prefer.

5 people. Committed. NEEDED xD