Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lilly'sday- (Grandest Adventure)

Hello again, my friends :D I hope you have had a wonderful past few weeks, and i am delighted to talk to your gorgeous faces once again :D This weeks topic is our grandest adventure. So take a seat, get cozy, and prepare yourself for a little story (dont worry its a picture book). I would say that i have gone on MANY adventures, ranging from making fairy houses in my back yard (always have always will) or little trips to the park to my biggest adventure yet, The one i am currently living (but more on that later). The adventure story I have decided to tell you on this muggy July night, actually happened exactly a year ago! 

Summers for me are usually extremely uneventful. I hang out with a friend or two, go to a summer camp [Where i am now a Volunteer (GO TR!)] for a few weeks, and basically try to find ways to entertain myself the other 72 days of summer. Last summer (and this one but sadly i wasnt able to go) I was invited to go with my friends the Snyders (Virginia, who comes up frequently on this blog including yesterdays post) on their annual trip to Idaho for three weeks. 

That Trip would not only be the longest time i had ever been away from my parents, but also be the farthest i had ever driven across the county. That trip was basically 21 days of exploring the mid-west (a part of the country i had never seen) and having new experiences. Without a doubt i would say those where the best three weeks of my life so far. Although there where rough times (everyone being so tired of being in the car we could hardly function, for example), every single day was an adventure, filled with new experiences and challenges. I made so many memories that i hope to never forget. ^.^ That adventure not only helped mold me into the person i am today, it also ignited the desire in my heart for adventure even more! (If it was even possible) 

I think I should add a few photos here because i honestly dont think words could do it proper justice. 

(Seeee Fairy house! I told you!)

I was wrong.... they didnt do it justice, those are just some my favorites out of hundreds. 

Adventure, to me at least, is just doing something (sometimes hard things)  and putting a spin on it that only you can! Even simple everyday tasks like going to the store, or going outside, they can be adventures if you make them! To some people, maybe what i mean... isn't the exact definition of adventure. But the feeling of adventure, to me, is being open minded and letting good things happen. 

In two days I leave for the biggest adventure of my life. I dont know what is going to happen or who i am going to meet. What i do know is where i am headed and how to get there. And after that i just have to keep an open mind and do my best to MAKE it an adventure! Its not like it isnt scary, the unknown is always scary, but that certainly shouldn't stop me from something that potentially could be the best thing that has ever happened to me. ^.^

Love you all see you in a week, where i will be writing from a new home, in a new state :D  
Also sorry for having so many speaks 0.0


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